Palacios Jaramillo, P. A., Sieborg, M. U., Kuipers, S. B., Fruergaard, S. & Kofoed, M. V. W. (2025).
Temperature tactics: Targeting acetate or methane production in autotrophic H2/CO2 conversion with mixed cultures.
Biochemical Engineering Journal,
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Sieborg, M. U., Engelbrecht, N., Singh, A., Schnürer, A.
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Unraveling the effects of temperature on mass transfer and microbiology in thermophilic and extreme thermophilic trickle bed biomethanation reactors.
Chemical Engineering Journal,
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Ambrose, H. W., Bambace, M. F., Marietou, A., Schwab, C., Kofoed, M. V. W. & Feilberg, A. (2024).
Reuterin based biological treatment to mitigate methane emissions from pig slurry storage. Abstract fra International symposium on gas and dust emissions from livestock (2024), Valencia, Spanien.
Anand, M., Panigrahi, S.
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Bioinspired poly(vinyl alcohol) films with tunable adhesion and self-healing for biodegradable electronics and beyond.
Sustainable Materials and Technologies,
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Kleikamp, H. B. C.
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The Selenoproteome as a Dynamic Response Mechanism to Oxidative Stress in Hydrogenotrophic Methanogenic Communities.
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Kundu, D., Samanta, P., Bhowmick, S.
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Heterogeneous catalysts for sustainable biofuel production: A paradigm shift towards renewable energy.
Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology,
62, Artikel 103432.
Sieborg, M. U., Nielsen, A. K. H., Ottosen, L. D. M., Daasbjerg, K. & Kofoed, M. V. W. (2024).
Bio-integrated carbon capture and utilization: at the interface between capture chemistry and archaeal CO2 reduction.
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Sieborg, M. U., Engelbrecht, N., Ottosen, L. D. M. & Kofoed, M. V. W. (2024).
Sunshine-to-fuel: Demonstration of coupled photovoltaic-driven biomethanation operation, process, and techno-economical evaluation.
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Ambrose, H. W., Dalby, F. R., Feilberg, A. & Kofoed, M. V. W. (2023).
Effects of surfactant, oxidant, and flocculant treatments on methane emission from pig slurry during storage.
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Palacios, P. A., Kleikamp, H., Nielsen, J. L.
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Quinone-mediated extracellular electron transfer processes in ex situ biomethanation reactors.
Bioresource Technology Reports,
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de Jonge, N.
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Wood-Ljungdahl pathway utilisation during in situ H2 biomethanation.
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Ahmmed, M. S.
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Hydrodynamic analysis of full-scale in-situ biogas upgrading in manure digesters.
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Aryal, N., Ottosen, L. D. M., Bentien, A., Pant, D.
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Bioelectrochemical systems for biogas upgrading and biomethane production. I N. Aryal, L. D. Mørck Ottosen, M. Vedel Wegener Kofoed & D. Pant (red.),
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Dos Reis Vechi, N.
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In situ biomethanation: Inoculum origin influences acetate consumption rate during hydrogen addition.
Bioresource Technology Reports,
14, Artikel 100656.
Jensen, M. B., de Jonge, N.
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Cellulolytic and Xylanolytic Microbial Communities Associated With Lignocellulose-Rich Wheat Straw Degradation in Anaerobic Digestion.
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Jensen, M. B., Poulsen, S., Jensen, B., Feilberg, A. & Kofoed, M. V. W. (2021).
Selecting carrier material for efficient biomethanation of industrial biogas-CO2 in a trickle-bed reactor.
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Rasmussen, T. S., Streidl, T., Hitch, T. C. A., Wortmann, E., Deptula, P.
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Jensen, M. B., Strübing, D., de Jonge, N., Nielsen, J. L.
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Stick or leave - Pushing methanogens to biofilm formation for ex situ biomethanation.
Bioresource Technology,
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Kofoed, M. V. W., Østedgaard-Munck, D. N., Agneessens, L., Bentien, A. & Ottosen, L. D. M. (2019).
Engineering perspectives in microbial electrosynthesis. Poster-session præsenteret på AU Biological and Chemical Engineering
, Aarhus, Danmark.
Maegaard, K., Garcia-Robledo, E., Kofoed, M. V. W., Agneessens, L. M., de Jonge, N., Nielsen, J. L.
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Biogas upgrading with hydrogenotrophic methanogenic biofilms.
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287, Artikel 121422.
Agneessens, L., Ottosen, L. D. M., Andersen, M. M., Berg, C., Feilberg, A. & Kofoed, M. V. W. (2018).
Parameters affecting acetate concentrations during in-situ biological hydrogen methanation.
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