Poulsen, J. S., Jonge, N. D.
, Vieira Macêdo, W., Dalby, F. R., Feilberg, A. & Nielsen, J. L. (2022).
Characterisation of cellulose-degrading organisms in an anaerobic digester.
Bioresource Technology,
351, Artikel 126933.
Mulat, D. G., Jacobi, H. F.
, Feilberg, A., Adamsen, A. P. S., Richnow, H.-H. & Nikolausz, M. (2016).
Changing Feeding Regimes To Demonstrate Flexible Biogas Production: Effects on Process Performance, Microbial Community Structure, and Methanogenesis Pathways.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology,
82(2), 438-449.
Kamp, J. N., Häni, C.
, Nyord, T., Feilberg, A. & Sørensen, L. L. (2021).
Calculation of NH3 Emissions, Evaluation of Backward Lagrangian Stochastic Dispersion Model and Aerodynamic Gradient Method.
12(1), Artikel 102.
Kristiansen, A., Lindholst, S.
, Feilberg, A., Nielsen, P. H., Neufeld, J. D. & Nielsen, J. L. (2011).
Butyric Acid- and Dimethyl Disulfide-Assimilating Microorganisms in a Biofilter Treating Air Emissions from a Livestock Facility.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology,
77(24), 8595–8604.
Agneessens, L., Ottosen, L. D. M., Andersen, M., Olesen, C.
, Feilberg, A. & Kofoed, M. V. W. (2017).
Biomethanation of Surplus Electricity: Homoacetogenesis is a Dominant Pathway during Initial H2 Injections. Poster session præsenteret på The 15th IWA World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion, Beijing, Kina.
Kai, P., Hansen, M. J., Callesen, G. M. & Jacobsen, B. H., (2022).
Biologisk luftrensning i grisestalde - Teknologibeskrivelse udarbejdet som grundlag for revidering af Husdyrgodkendelsesbekendtgørelsens BAT-krav, Nr. 2022-0448024, 38 s., nov. 24, 2022. Rådgivningsnotat fra DCA - Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug
Lashkari, S., Jørgensen, H., Weisbjerg, M. R., Lund, P., Hellwing, A. L. F., Dalby, F. R. & Børsting, C. F. (2022).
A Static Balance Model Quantifying Nutrients in Feces, Urine and Gasses of Cattle and Pigs. I
8th International Greenhouse Gas & Animal Agriculture Conference: Program & Abstracts (s. 74).
Liu, D., Feilberg, A., Andreasen, R. R., Poulsen, T. G.
& Nielsen, A. M. (2011).
Application of PTR-MS for studying mobile-immobile mass transfer in a biofilter. Afhandling præsenteret på IVth International Conference on Biotechniques for Air Pollution Control , La Coruña, Spanien.
Feilberg, A., Saha, C. K., Adamsen, A. P., Liu, D. & Hansen, M. J. (2011).
Application of PTR-MS for measuring odorants from livestock production. Poster session præsenteret på 5th International Conference on Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry and its Applications, Obergurgl, Østrig.
Mulat, D. G., Ward, A. J., Adamsen, A. P. S., Voigt, N. V., Nielsen, J. L.
& Feilberg, A. (2014).
Application of on-line mass spectrometry with stable isotope pairing to study the pathway of methane production from acetate in anaerobic reactor. Poster session præsenteret på Energy and Environment for the future-sustainable energy for a fossil free society and environmental friendly technologies, Copenhagen, Danmark.
Ottosen, L. D. M., Juhler, S., Schramm, A., Revsbech, N. P., Feilberg, A., Guldberg, L.
& Nielsen, L. P. (2010).
Ammonia Removal Limited by Inhibition of Metabolism and Growth. Abstract fra ISME 13 - 13th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Seattle, WA, USA.
Ottosen, L. D. M., Juhler, S.
, Guldberg, L. B., Nielsen, L. P., Schramm, A.
, Feilberg, A. & Revsbech, N. P. (2009).
Ammonia removal limited by inhibition of metabolism and growth: Part of Session 2: Biological processes in air filters. I
Bilag til CEBONA International Workshop (s. 13)
Andersson, K., Delin, S.
, Pedersen, J., Hafner, S. D. & Nyord, T. (2023).
Ammonia emissions from untreated, separated and digested cattle slurry - Effects of slurry type and application strategy on a Swedish clay soil.
Biosystems Engineering,
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Mc Collough, M. R., Pedersen, J., Nyord, T., Sørensen, P. & Melander, B. (2022).
Ammonia Emissions, Exposed Surface Area, and Crop and Weed Responses Resulting from Three Post-Emergence Slurry Application Strategies in Cereals.
12(10), Artikel 12102441.
Pedersen, J. M., Feilberg, A., Kamp, J. N., Hafner, S. & Nyord, T. (2020).
Ammonia emission measurement with an online wind tunnel system for evaluation of manure application techniques.
Atmospheric Environment,
230, Artikel 117562.
Dalby, F. R., Hafner, S. D., Petersen, S. O., Vanderzaag, A., Habtewold, J., Dunfield, K., Chantigny, M. H.
& Sommer, S. G. (2021).
A mechanistic model of methane emission from animal slurry with a focus on microbial groups.
16(6), Artikel 0252881.