Liu, D., Rong, L., Kamp, J., Kong, X.
, Adamsen, A. P. S., Chowdhury, A. & Feilberg, A. (2020).
Photoacoustic measurement with infrared band-pass filters significantly overestimates NH3 emissions from cattle houses due to volatile organic compound (VOC) interferences.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques,
13(1), 259-272.
Nikolic, M., Caceres Najarro, M., Johannsen, I., Iruthayaraj, J., Ceccato, M. & Feilberg, A. (2020).
Copper Adsorption on Lignin for the Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide.
25(23), Artikel 5577.
Nyord, T., Kai, P., Feilberg, A., Sørensen, M. T. & Canibe, N., (2020).
Vurdering af dokumentation for indmeldte virkemidler, Nr. 2020-0058721, 8 s., mar. 23, 2020.
Pedersen, J. M., Feilberg, A., Kamp, J. N., Hafner, S. & Nyord, T. (2020).
Ammonia emission measurement with an online wind tunnel system for evaluation of manure application techniques.
Atmospheric Environment,
230, Artikel 117562.
Foldager, F. F., Pedersen, J. M., Skov, E. H., Evgrafova, A. & Green, O. (2019).
Lidar-based 3d scans of soil surfaces and furrows in two soil types.
Sensors (Switzerland),
19(3), Artikel 661.
Van Huffel, K.
, Hansen, M. J., Bruneel, J., Van Langenhove, H.
& Feilberg, A. (2019).
Extraction efficiency of odorous compounds during a winter and summer period for partial pit ventilation in pig houses with diffuse ceiling inlet and wall inlets.
Biosystems Engineering,
179, 71-79.
Agneessens, L., Ottosen, L. D. M., Andersen, M. M., Berg, C., Feilberg, A. & Kofoed, M. V. W. (2018).
Parameters affecting acetate concentrations during in-situ biological hydrogen methanation.
Bioresource Technology,
258, 33-40.
Dos Reis Vechi, N.
, Agneessens, L., Ottosen, L. D. M., Feilberg, A. & Kofoed, M. V. W. (2018).
In situ biogas upgrading: contribution of homoacetogenesis to methane production. Poster session præsenteret på European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Copenhagen, Danmark.
Feilberg, A., Hansen, M. J., Pontoppidan, O., Oxbøl, A. & E. N. Jonassen, K. (2018).
Relevance of n-butanol as a reference gas for odorants and complex odors.
Water Science & Technology,
77(6), 1751-1756.
Hafner, S. D., Bühler, M.
, Feilberg, A., Franco, R. B., Howard, C., Montes, F., Muck, R. E., Rotz, C. A. & Weiss, K. (2018).
Volatile organic compounds and silage: sources, emission, and mitigation. I
Proceedings of the XVIII International Silage Conference (s. 52-68). Universität Bonn.
Hansen, M. J., Pedersen, C. L., Jensen, L. H. S., Guldberg, L. B., Feilberg, A. & Nielsen, L. P. (2018).
Removal of hydrogen sulphide from pig house using biofilter with fungi.
Biosystems Engineering,
167, 32-39.
Kai, P., Hansen, M. J., Nørremark, M., Melander, B., Jensen, P. K., Sørensen, J. N., Ottosen, C.-O., Pedersen, H. L., Petersen, K. K. & Bødskov, L. B., (2018).
Faglig redegørelse og teknologiliste 2018 til brug i forbindelse med ordningen vedrørende tilskud til investeringer i nye teknologier, Nr. 2017-760-000499, 93 s.
Lund Kasper, P., Oxbøl, A.
, Hansen, M. J. & Feilberg, A. (2018).
Mechanisms of Loss of Agricultural Odorous Compounds in Sample Bags of Nalophan, Tedlar, and PTFE.
Journal of Environmental Quality,
47(2), 246-253.
Maagaard, S. E., Johannsen, K. B.
, Osterhaus, W., Feilberg, A., Fang, L., Christensen, J. & Søndermark, J. (2018).
Sunde Boliger: Performancemålinger ”De ubeboede huse”. Realdania.
Agneessens, L., Ottosen, L. D. M., Andersen, M., Olesen, C.
, Feilberg, A. & Kofoed, M. V. W. (2017).
Biomethanation of Surplus Electricity: Homoacetogenesis is a Dominant Pathway during Initial H2 Injections. Poster session præsenteret på The 15th IWA World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion, Beijing, Kina.
Kasper, P., Mannebeck, D., Oxbøl, A.
, Nygaard, J. V., Hansen, M. J. & Feilberg, A. (2017).
Effects of Dilution Systems in Olfactometry on the Recovery of Typical Livestock Odorants Determined by PTR-MS.
17(8), Artikel 1859.
Meusinger, C., Bluhme, A. B., L. Ingemar, J.
, Feilberg, A., Christiansen, S., Andersen, C. & Johnson, M. S. (2017).
Treatment of reduced sulphur compounds and SO2 by Gas Phase Advanced Oxidation.
Chemical Engineering Journal,
307, 427-434.
Mulat, D. G., Mosbæk, F.
, Ward, A. J., Polag, D., Greule, M., Keppler, F., Nielsen, J. L.
& Feilberg, A. (2017).
Exogenous addition of H2 for an in situ biogas upgrading through biological reduction of carbon dioxide into methane.
Waste Management,
68, 146-156.
Wiking, L., Løkke, M. M., Kidmose, U., Sundekilde, U. K., Dalsgaard, T. K., Larsen, T. & Feilberg, A. (2017).
Comparison between novel and standard methods for analysis of free fatty acids in milk – Including relation to rancid flavour.
International Dairy Journal,
75, 22-29.