Hansen, M. J., Jonassen, K. E. N.
, Løkke, M. M., Adamsen, A. P. S. & Feilberg, A. (2016).
Multivariate prediction of odor from pig production based on in-situ measurement of odorants.
Atmospheric Environment,
135, 50-58.
Hansen, M. J.
, Feilberg, A., E. N. Jonassen, K.
, Guldberg, L. B., Løkke, M. M. & Adamsen, A. P. S. (2016).
Olfactometric and chemical analysis for further development of environmental technologies. Abstract fra International Conference on Agricultural Engineering 2016, Aarhus, Danmark.
Huffel, K. V.
, Hansen, M. J., Feilberg, A., Liu, D. & Langenhove, H. V. L. (2016).
Level and distribution of odorous compounds in pig exhaust air from combined room and pit ventilation.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment,
218, 209-219.
Liu, D.
, Rong, L., Chowdhury, A., Adamsen, A. P. S. & Feilberg, A. (2016).
Effect of non-compensated interference of VOC on NH3 measured by IR-PAS and data correction. Abstract fra International Conference on Agricultural Engineering 2016, Aarhus, Danmark.
Mosbæk, F., Kjeldal, H.
, Mulat, D. G., Albertsen, M.
, Ward, A. J., Feilberg, A. & Nielsen, J. (2016).
Identification of syntrophic acetate-oxidizing bacteria in anaerobic digesters by combined protein-based stable isotope probing and metagenomics.
The ISME Journal,
10(10), 2405-2418.
Mulat, D. G., Jacobi, H. F.
, Feilberg, A., Adamsen, A. P. S., Richnow, H.-H. & Nikolausz, M. (2016).
Changing Feeding Regimes To Demonstrate Flexible Biogas Production: Effects on Process Performance, Microbial Community Structure, and Methanogenesis Pathways.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology,
82(2), 438-449.
Liu, D., Feilberg, A., Hansen, M. J.
, Pedersen, C. L. & Nielsen, A. M. (2015).
Modeling removal of volatile sulfur compounds in a full-scale biological air filter.
Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology,
91, 1119-1127.
Goodsite, M. E., Skov, H., Asmund, G., Bennike, O.
, Feilberg, A., Glasius, M., Gross, A. & Hermanson, M. H. (2014).
Pilot Study of Contaminants near Station Nord, a Military Airbase and Research Station in NE Greenland. I I. Linkov (red.),
NATO Science for Peace and Security Series – C: Environmental Security - Sustainable Cities and Military Installations (Bind 2, s. 177-198). Springer.
Hansen, M. J., Nørgaard, J. V., Adamsen, A. P. S. & Poulsen, H. D. (2014).
Effect of reduced crude protein on ammonia, methane, and chemical odorants emitted from pig houses.
Livestock Science,
169, 118-124.
Mulat, D. G., Ward, A. J., Adamsen, A. P. S., Voigt, N. V., Nielsen, J. L.
& Feilberg, A. (2014).
Application of on-line mass spectrometry with stable isotope pairing to study the pathway of methane production from acetate in anaerobic reactor. Poster session præsenteret på Energy and Environment for the future-sustainable energy for a fossil free society and environmental friendly technologies, Copenhagen, Danmark.
Mulat, D. G., Ward, A. J., Adamsen, A. P. S., Voigt, N. V., Nielsen, J. L.
& Feilberg, A. (2014).
Quantifying contribution of synthrophic acetate oxidation to methane production in thermophilic anaerobic reactors by membrane inlet mass spectrometry.
Environmental Science & Technology,
48(4), 2505-2511.
Mulat, D. G., Jacobi, H. F.
, Feilberg, A., Adamsen, A. P. S., Richnow, H.-H. & Nikolausz, M. (2014).
Shifts in methanogenic pathways in response to change in substrate feeding pattern studied by stable isotope techniques. I
Conference proceedings: International conference on anaerobic digestion, BiogasScience 2014 (s. 87-88)
Nørgaard, J. V., Hansen, M. J., Assadi Soumeh, E., Adamsen, A. P. S. & Poulsen, H. D. (2014).
Effect of protein level on performance, nitrogen utilisation and carcass composition in finisher pigs.
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Science,
64(2), 123-129.
van Huffel, K.
, Hansen, M. J., Feilberg, A., Liu, D. & van Langenhove, H. (2014).
The Power of Online Proton Transfer Reaction - Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS) Measurement of Odorous Emissions from a Pig House.
Chemical Engineering Transactions,
40, 241-246.
Ward, A. J., Ottosen, L. D. M., Voigt, N. V., Kofoed, M. V. W.
, Mulat, D. G. & Feilberg, A. (2014).
Large scale addition of hydrogen to anaerobic digesters. Poster session præsenteret på Energy and Environment for the Future, Copenhagen, Danmark.
Andreasen, R. R.
, Liu, D., Ravn, S.
, Feilberg, A. & Poulsen, T. G. (2013).
Air-water mass transfer of sparingly soluble odorous compounds in granular biofilter media.
Chemical Engineering Journal,
220, 431-440.
Bruni, E.
, Ward, A. J., Køcks, M.
, Feilberg, A., Adamsen, A. P., Jensen, A. P. & Poulsen, A. K. (2013).
Comprehensive monitoring of a biogas process during pulse loads with ammonia.
Biomass & Bioenergy,
56, 211 - 220.
Hansen, M. J., Nyord, T., Hansen, L. B., Martinsen, L., Hasler, B., Jensen, P. K., Melander, B., Thomsen, A. G., Poulsen, H. D., Lund, P., Sørensen, J. N., Ottosen, C.-O. & Andersen, L. (2013).
Miljøteknologier i det primære jordbrug: Driftsøkonomi og miljøeffektivitet. DCA - Nationalt center for fødevarer og jordbrug. DCA rapport Nr. 29
Holm, E. S.
, Adamsen, A. P., Feilberg, A., Schäfer, A.
, Løkke, M. M. & Petersen, M. A. (2013).
Quality changes during storage of cooked and sliced meat products measured with PTR-MS and HS-GC-MS.
Meat Science,
95(2), 302–310.