Aarhus Universitets segl


Power to Chemicals group is working on development of electrochemical technology which could exploit renewable energy to produce value-added chemicals. We also exploit the rich electrochemistry of organic redox species to create new types of dry-cell and flow batteries

The group currently works on:

  • direct electrochemical synthesis of ammonia from water and N2 – a quest is to find a right combination of an electrolyte (aqueous and non-aqueous) and the catalyst for efficient synthesis
  • electrochemical reduction of nitrates to nitrogen/ammonia
  • developing of organic redox species and design of electrolytes for semi-organic dry-cell and flow batteries

Other projects the group is involved in are related to low-cost redox flow and solid-state batteries:

  • The group is currently involved in ORBATS project funded by Innovation Fund Denmark where together with group Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Batteries, DTU and Harvard works on a scale up of a semi-organic redox flow battery.
  • The groups is collaborating with Dr. Engelbert Portentkirchner, University of Innsbruck, Austria, on low-cost sodium-ion batteries. Our role is to produce low-cost polymeric organic anodes and cathodes.