Aarhus Universitets segl

EMMA: Emission Measurements and Mitigation in Agriculture

Agricultural waste is a major atmospheric source of greenhouse gases, ammonia, VOCs, and sulfur compounds. At the same time, it represents a valuable resource for fertilization, which require long-term storage followed by field application to agricultural soils.

Cost-effective technologies to reduce emissions from storage and application are in high demand in order to achieve a sustainable and documented management strategy.

We are developing and testing mitigation strategies with the aim of achieving a high overall mitigation efficiency across the waste management chain. Technologies include e.g. acidification and soil injection techniques.

Research targeting mass transfer from surfaces to the atmosphere contributes to improve our understanding and ability to develop mitigation tools. A transition towards more sustainable agriculture also requires a much higher level of documentation of emissions from the waste chain to the atmosphere. This includes data on mitigation effects.

We are running research projects targeting new advanced methods for quantification of emissions from storage facilities and field application for this group of pollution sources.

Measurement methods include e.g. inverse dispersion modelling, the tracer-ratio method and online dynamic flux chambers. We are mainly using online measurement systems such as cavity-ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) and proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) to measure emissions in high time resolution.


Group leader

Jesper Nørlem Kamp

Tenure Track Forsker