Aarhus University Seal


  1. "Exploring PFAS Accumulated in Urban Sludge"(2024-2026), Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship for Dr. Hui Wang (1.6M DKK).
  2. "Machine Learning to Enhance PFAS Degradation" (2023-2025), Villum Synergy Program (3.0M DKK). PI
  3. “PFAS Remediation in Groundwater” (2023), COWIfonden & Region Syddanmark (2.25M DKK). PI
  4. “High Performance Removal of PFAS by Cyclodextrin Modified Membranes” (2023-2025), Independent Research Fund Denmark (2.9M DKK). co-PI
  5. "Away from triazine, in with green transition" (2022) DTU-Offshore Radical Jumpstart Grant (0.3M DKK), PI.
  6. “Selective Catalytic Degradation of Chlorate Ions” (2022-2023), Grundfos A/S (0.3M DKK). PI
  7. “CROSS: Cheap, Reliable Optical Sensors for Digital Mornitoring of CO2 Undersea” (2022-2024), DTU-Offshore (2.5M DKK), PI. 
  8. “CataForce: Catalytic “Forever Chemical” Elimination Towards Zero Fluoro-Pollution” (2022-2026), Independent Research Fund Denmark (6.2M DKK), PI. 
  9. “Let it Wave: Ultrasound Enhanced Hydrogen Production (Acronym: Up2H2)” (2022-2025), Independent Research Fund Denmark (2.9M DKK), PI. 
  10. “In-line Descaling in the Whole PW Treatment-Injection Process” (2021-2024) The Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Technology Center (DHRTC) Project (4.0M DKK), PI
  11. “Aqua Cleaner: Synergy of Enzyme and Photocatalyst for Defluorination of PFAS (Acronym: SEP-Def)” (2021-2023), Novo Nordisk Fonden (3.0M DKK), PI. 
  12. "Design and Testing of A Self-cleaning Piezoelectric Membrane" (2021) Siemensfonden (30,000 DKK), PI.  
  13. “Innovative methods and technologies to detect, study and treat persistent pollutants in water and soil and their effects on human health” (2021), EUopSTART (50,000 DKK). PI
  14. “SMILE: A Sonication-Mineralization Equipment for On-line Detection of Dissolved Oils and Chemicals” (2020), DHRTC Radical Jumpstart Grant (0.3M DKK), PI.
  15. “Profiling the Degradation and Toxicity of Short-chain Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)” (2020) Aarhus University Center for Water Technology (WATEC) Ph.D. Grant (0.5M DKK), PI.
  16. “A Novel Sponge Filter for Simultaneous Removal of Oils and Chemical Additives from Produced Water” (2020), The Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Technology Center (DHRTC) Radical Jumpstart Grant (0.3M DKK), PI.
  17. “Engineering Carbon Based Photoregenerable Composite Materials for Efficient Removal of Emerging Micropollutants” (2020-2023), Aarhus University Research Foundation (AUFF) Starting Grant (2.35M DKK), PI.

Please check below the media reports about our research projects:


Interview by European Environment Agency: Removing ‘forever chemicals’ from drinking water

AAU: Towards an efficient method for removing PFAS from water


Teknisk Nyt: Ét-trins løsning til at fjerne og nedbryde PFAS

Plast Panorama: Danske forskere udvikler ét-trinsløsning til at fjerne og nedbryde PFAS”

ING/WATERTECH: Ny metode både renser vand for PFAS og destruerer det med biokulfilter og UV-lys

AVISENDANMARK: Århusiansk forskerteam med megagod nyhed: Mener at kunne smadre evighedskemikalierne PFAS med ét smæk

AU Engineering News: Danish research team aims to develop a single-step solution to remove and break-down PFAS


DFF Case: Kan PFAS indsamles og nedbrydes enkelt og billigt?

AU Engineering News: New research project aims to make it easier to remove PFAS from nature



Avisen Danmark: Forskere får millioner til at eliminere skadeligt PFOS

TV2 ØSTJYLLAND News: Forskere får millioner: Skal eliminere giftigt stof i jorden

AU Engineering News & EurekAlert! News: AU researchers develop solar-powered tech to make “forever chemicals” harmless

DFF Case: Solar-driven process must convert environmental toxins into harmless substances

Faculty of Technical Sciences News: Nine researchers from Tech receive share in green IRFD funding

Baltic Sea PFAS Network News: A project at Aarhus University to develop greener methods to break the PFAS bond


AU Engineering News & EurekAlert! News: Research project to eliminate ‘forever chemicals’