Aarhus University Seal


Employees at Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering, Aarhus University.

Name Job title Unit Email Phone Building
Aagaard, Anne Teaching laboratory technician Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D aaag@bce.au.dk
Aagaard, Josephine Baunvig Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Medical Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D jbaa@bce.au.dk
Adamsen, Anders Peter S. Senior Researcher Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Blichers Allé 20 apa@bce.au.dk +4541893314
Adamsen, Magnus Sejr Research Assistant Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Burrehøjvej 43 msa@bce.au.dk
Ahmed, Sheikh Jamil Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 sheikh.ahmed@bce.au.dk
Albano, Gian-Luca PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Medical Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D gla@bce.au.dk
Albinus, Pætur Haraldsen Secretariat Staff Member Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Secretariat, BCE - Navitas pha@bce.au.dk +4593508421 3135, 106
Ambrose, Herald Wilson Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D herald@bce.au.dk
Ambye-Jensen, Morten Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Hangøvej 2 maj@bce.au.dk +4593508009 5250, 239
Anand, Monisha PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D monisha@bce.au.dk
Anastasakis, Konstantinos Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Hangøvej 2 kanastasakis@bce.au.dk +4593508945 5250, 222
Andersen, Jørn Særmark Skilled Workman Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Blichers Allé 20 jsa@bce.au.dk
Andersen, Kim Sig Member of Administrative Staff Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Burrehøjvej 43 kmsa@bce.au.dk 8970, 117-121
Andersen, Stine Hedegaard Process Technologist Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Blichers Allé 20 stihe@bce.au.dk
Andrade, Thalles Allan External VIP Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Hangøvej 2 thal@bce.au.dk
Angenent, Largus Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering lta@bce.au.dk
Asghari Alamdari, Armin Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 armin@bce.au.dk
Awadakkam, Sreenavya Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Hangøvej 2 srna@bce.au.dk
Azari-Anpar, Mojtaba Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Ole Worms Allé 3 mojtaba.azari@bce.au.dk
Bai, Lu Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Ole Worms Allé 3 lubai@bce.au.dk
Bak, Keld Lars Deputy Head of Department Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering klb@bce.au.dk +4541893128 3135, 102
Ballegaard, Anne-Sofie Ravn Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Medical Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D asrb@bce.au.dk
Baum, Christoph Ferdinand Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D cb@bce.au.dk 3130
Bech, Gitte Kjær Laboratory Technician Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Åbogade 40 gkb@bce.au.dk
Benfeldt, Frederik Vig PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D fvb@bce.au.dk
Bennedsen, Jeanette Marianne D Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Hangøvej 2 jmdb@bce.au.dk +4521367355 5250, 246
Bentien, Anders Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 bentien@bce.au.dk +4530369515 5794
Berdiyeva, Perizat Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 perizatb@bce.au.dk
Berg, Sisse Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Hangøvej 2 sbb@bce.au.dk 5250, 246
Berretta, Alex PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D alber@bce.au.dk
Bhattacharya, Amrita Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D amrita.bhattacharya@bce.au.dk
Biller, Patrick Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Hangøvej 2 pbiller@bce.au.dk 5250, 223
Bousrez, Guillaume Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 guillaume.bousrez@bce.au.dk
Brka, Azra Becic Member of Administrative Staff Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Secretariat, BCE - Navitas abb@bce.au.dk +4593508845 3135, 106
Buchholdt, Theis Sehested Student Teacher Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering theisbuchholdt@bce.au.dk Gustav Wieds Vej 10
Bühler, Marcel Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D mb@bce.au.dk
Bysani Kondagari, Viswanada Reddy Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D vrbk@bce.au.dk
Calegari, Rubens Perez Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D rpc@bce.au.dk
Catalano, Jacopo Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 jcatalano@au.dk +4523354693
Chen, Menglin Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Medical Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D menglin@bce.au.dk +4520289506 3133, 121
Christensen, Charlotte Skjold Qvist PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Ole Worms Allé 3 csqc@bce.au.dk
Christensen, Frederick Sperring G PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Ole Worms Allé 3 fmsc@bce.au.dk
Chumduri, Cindrilla Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Medical Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D cindrilla.chumduri@bce.au.dk 3133, 323
Dalby, Frederik Rask Tenure Track Assistant Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D fd@bce.au.dk +4593808309 3130, 113
Damgaard, Morten Dyrlund Project Manager Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Burrehøjvej 43 mdd@bce.au.dk
Drazevic, Emil Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 edrazevic@bce.au.dk +4593508345
Dyekjær, Thomas Laboratory Technician Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Hangøvej 2 thdy@bce.au.dk +4520602464 5250, 129
Elvan, Mensure PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D elvan@bce.au.dk
Engelbrecht, Nicolaas Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D ne@bce.au.dk
Eriksen, Jonas Research Project Staff Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Burrehøjvej 43 jonas.eriksen@bce.au.dk
Esen, Gönül Laboratory Technician Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D ge@bce.au.dk 3130, 114
Eser, Bekir Engin Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D bekireser@bce.au.dk +4552824813 3132, 107
Eskildsen, Rikke Mølbak Member of Administrative Staff Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Medical Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D rikke@bce.au.dk
Fakhar, Ali PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Blichers Allé 20 alifakhar@bce.au.dk
Feilberg, Anders Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D af@bce.au.dk +4530896099 3135, 107
Finneisen, Kristina Klintrup Laboratory Assistant Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D krfi@bce.au.dk 3130, 114
Frank, Sara PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 sarafrank@bce.au.dk
Frederiksen, Trine-Maria Project Manager Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Secretariat, BCE - Navitas tmf@bce.au.dk +4593508239 3135, 105
Fridolfsson, Simon Gunnar PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Hangøvej 2 s.fridolfsson@bce.au.dk
Friis, Markus Klitgaard PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D mkf@bce.au.dk
Friis, Sif Julie PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Medical Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D sif.friis@bce.au.dk
From, Thomas Norup PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Burrehøjvej 43 thomasfrom@bce.au.dk
Fruergaard, Simon PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D sfruergaard@bce.au.dk
Fuglsang, Kirstine Head of Secretariat Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Secretariat, BCE - Navitas kifu@bce.au.dk +4593522724 3135, 103
Gammelgaard, Anni Grosen Laboratory Technician Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D ag@bce.au.dk +4593521676 3130, 112
Ganda, Elvis Tinashe Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Hangøvej 2 elvis.t.ganda@bce.au.dk
Garcia Perez, Pablo Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D pg@bce.au.dk
Garrido Rosenvinge, Axel PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Ole Worms Allé 3 axelro@bce.au.dk
Ghorbani, Marzieh Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Blichers Allé 20 m.ghorbani@bce.au.dk
Golrokhsani, Ahmad PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Hangøvej 2 ahmad.sani@bce.au.dk
Grøn, Louise Vinther PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D louise.groen@bce.au.dk
Grønbæk, Heidi Laboratory Technician Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D hg@bce.au.dk +4520120567 3130, 111
Groven, Rune Kjærgaard PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 runekg@bce.au.dk
Guldberg, Lise Bonne Senior Advisor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Blichers Allé 20 lbg@bce.au.dk +4541893200 8210, 34
Gundelund Jensen, Mogens Buildings Technician Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Burrehøjvej 43 mogj@bce.au.dk +4521694133 8907
Gundtoft, Steffen Automation technician Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Blichers Allé 20 stgu@bce.au.dk
Guo, Zheng Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D guo@bce.au.dk 3130, 105
Hafner, Sasha D. Senior Researcher Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D sasha.hafner@bce.au.dk
Hamdi, Zakaria Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Hangøvej 2 zakaria@bce.au.dk
Hansen, Frederikke Dybdahl Mediation and Project Coordinator Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D fda@bce.au.dk 3130, 114
Hansen, Michael Jørgen Senior Researcher Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D michaelj.hansen@bce.au.dk 3135, 113
Hastrup, Gitte Laboratory Manager Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering gh@bce.au.dk +4525301364 3130, 109
Helmig, Kristian Bek PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Burrehøjvej 43 kbh@bce.au.dk
Hinge, Mogens Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 hinge@bce.au.dk +4522770555 5794
Hjorth, Maibritt Director of Studies Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - BCE - Administration - Ny Munkegade 120 maibritt.hjorth@bce.au.dk +4540825988 1521, 211
Hjorth, Thilde Phie Research Assistant Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D tph@bce.au.dk
Hohn, Albert Otto Erich PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 albert.hohn@bce.au.dk
Højer, Morten Lund Secretariat Staff Member Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Secretariat, BCE - Navitas mlh@bce.au.dk +4593508145 3135, 106
Hooshmand, Sara Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 sarah@bce.au.dk
Hosek, Jiri Member of Administrative Staff Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D hosek@bce.au.dk 3130, 111
Hostrup, Emma Thonesen Research Assistant Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Hangøvej 2 eth@bce.au.dk
Hou, Yueyun Member of Administrative Staff Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D yyun.hou@bce.au.dk 3130, 112
Hougaard, Emil Hedemann Research Assistant Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 ehh@bce.au.dk
Houlind, Ida Kaae Student Worker AU Student Administration and Services - AU Summer University and Housing idahoulind@food.au.dk 1650
Hu, Jing Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 jing@bce.au.dk
Huertas Díaz, Lucía PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D luciahd@bce.au.dk
Hussain, Arif Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Hangøvej 2 arifhussain@bce.au.dk
Hviid, Laura Marie Student Teacher Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering au646028@bce.au.dk Åbogade 40
Iov, Cristina Research Assistant Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 ciov@bce.au.dk
Irla, Marta Katarzyna Assistant Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D marta.irla@bce.au.dk +4593508120 3131, 313
Jakobsen, Henning Sejer Teaching Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering sejer@bce.au.dk +4527851369 3135, 110
Jensen, Bjarke Nørrehvedde Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Medical Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D bnj@bce.au.dk
Jensen, Julie Runge Research Assistant Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 juje@bce.au.dk
Jensen, Mikkel Bendix Research Assistant Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D mbendix@bce.au.dk
Jensen, Therese Bundgaard Research Assistant Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D thbj@bce.au.dk
Jepsen, Andreas Røge Secretariat Staff Member Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Secretariat, BCE - Navitas arj@bce.au.dk +4593508840 3135, 105
Jethva, Gaurav PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Medical Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D iamgaurav@bce.au.dk
Johannsen, Anne Birgitte Bundgaard Laboratory Technician Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Blichers Allé 20 abbj@bce.au.dk
Johannsen, Ib Honorary Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Hangøvej 2 ibj@bce.au.dk +4521356050
Johansen, Heidi Skov Laboratory Technician Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D hsj@bce.au.dk 3130, 112
Johnsen, Niels Krabbe PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D nkj@bce.au.dk
Jørgensen, Katrine Zacho Research Assistant Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D katrinezj@bce.au.dk 3131
Kai, Peter Senior Advisor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D peter.kai@bce.au.dk +4593508622 3130, 109
Kamp, Jesper Nørlem Tenure Track Researcher Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Blichers Allé 20 jk@bce.au.dk 8210, 44
Kanuthsen, Asa Højmark Laboratory Technician Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 ashoka@bce.au.dk
Kara, Selin Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D selin.kara@bce.au.dk +4522378964 3130, 107
Kim, Hyunjin Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D hyki@bce.au.dk
Kjeldsen, Theis Ajs Senior Machinist Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Blichers Allé 20 tak@bce.au.dk +4526854674
Klompmaker, Kjeld Kaj PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Medical Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D kkk@bce.au.dk
Kofoed, Michael Vedel Wegener Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D mvk@bce.au.dk +4593521051 3133, 221
Koopmann, Matilde Heydorn Member of Administrative Staff Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Hangøvej 2 mhk@bce.au.dk
Kosar, Sadiye Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Ole Worms Allé 3 sadiye.kosar@bce.au.dk
Kousted, Tina Business Developer Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering tina.kousted@bce.au.dk +4526620020 3135, 110
Kozera, Marcin Patryk PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Hangøvej 2 markoz@bce.au.dk
Kragh-Schwarz, Marcus PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 au591083@bce.au.dk
Krishnan, Deepthy Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 deekr@bce.au.dk
Kristensen, Emil Rynkeby Research Assistant Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 erk@bce.au.dk
Kristensen, Kasper Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Hangøvej 2 kasperk@bce.au.dk +4530278496 5250, 246
Kristensen, Kasper Vita Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D kasper.kristensen@bce.au.dk +4561968673 3135, 101
Krogstrup Jensen, Bjarke PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Medical Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D bkj@bce.au.dk
Kunnoth, Bella Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Blichers Allé 20 bella@bce.au.dk
Kure Larsen, Anne-Kathrine Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Medical Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D akla@bce.au.dk
Læsaa, Søren Research Assistant Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 laesaa@bce.au.dk
Lara, Alvaro R. Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D alvaro.lara@bce.au.dk +4550823631 3131, 315
Larsen, Anne-Novera Biomedical Laboratory Scientist Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D anl@bce.au.dk 3130, 111
Larsen, Christina Research Assistant Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D cl@bce.au.dk
Larsen, Hanne Østergård Afsnits-/teamleder Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering hanne.larsen@bce.au.dk +4522356958 3130, 109
Larsen, Line Vestergaard Administrative Assistant Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Burrehøjvej 43 livl@bce.au.dk +4593508050 8907
Larsen, Morten Krog Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Hangøvej 2 mkl@bce.au.dk +4522103823 5250, 205
Laursen, Torben Harregaard Senior Machinist Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Blichers Allé 20 tl@bce.au.dk +4520634119 L38
Linding Frederiksen, Morten PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 mlf@bce.au.dk
Lock, Nina Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 nlock@bce.au.dk +4593521816 5794
López Fetzer, Damian Estuardo Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Hangøvej 2 damianf@bce.au.dk
Lüdeking, Jakob Ernst
Lülf, Rebekka Herdis Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D r.luelf@bce.au.dk
Lundgaard, Thomas Deputy Head of Department Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering thomas.lundgaard@bce.au.dk 3135, 112
Luo, Shuang Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Ole Worms Allé 3 shuangluo@bce.au.dk
Luo, Zirui PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Ole Worms Allé 3 luozirui@bce.au.dk
Ma, Yinxiao PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D yinxiao.ma@bce.au.dk
Ma, Yu Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D yu.ma@bce.au.dk
Marietou, Angeliki Member of Administrative Staff Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D a.marietou@bce.au.dk 3130, 114
Marqvorsen, Mikkel Haarslev S Assistant Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Medical Biotechnology - Hangøvej 2 marqvorsen@bce.au.dk +4553639863 5250, 205
Mathiasen, Maria Kongsbak Administrator/Journalist Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D mkm@bce.au.dk 3130, 114
Matthiesen, Cecilie Linneberg Member of Administrative Staff Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D clm@bce.au.dk 3130, 112
Merrild, Aske Høj PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D am@bce.au.dk
Methmann, Simon Sølvstrøm Senior Machinist Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Burrehøjvej 43 sim@bce.au.dk
Miehe, Michaela Assistant Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D miehe@bce.au.dk +4593521659 3134, 105
Mikkelsen, Ann Høgh Secretariat Staff Member Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Secretariat, BCE - Navitas ahm@bce.au.dk +4541893020 3135, 106
Mikkelsen, Emilie Lumbye Student Teacher Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering emlumi@food.au.dk Gustav Wieds Vej 10
Mikkelsen, Mads Automation technician Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Burrehøjvej 43 mami@bce.au.dk
Møller, Henrik Bjarne Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Blichers Allé 20 henrikb.moller@bce.au.dk +4587157646 8210, 35
Møller Hansen, Mogens Buildings Manager Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Burrehøjvej 43 mogensm.hansen@bce.au.dk +4520762732 8907
Mortensen, Anne Nørgaard Research Assistant Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D anm@bce.au.dk 22 18 68 37
Mshanetskyi, Leonid Technical Staff Member Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Burrehøjvej 43 leonid.mshanetskyi@bce.au.dk
Mudring, Anja Verena Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 anja-verena.mudring@bce.au.dk
Munoz Duarte, Laura Daniela Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D laura.munoz@bce.au.dk
Ng, Ker Sin Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D kersin.ng@bce.au.dk
Nia, Pooria Moozarm Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 pooriamn@bce.au.dk
Nielsen, Amalie Kirstine Hessellund PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D akhn@bce.au.dk
Nielsen, Cecilie Laboratory Technician Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Hangøvej 2 ceni@bce.au.dk +4522381532 5250, 129
Nielsen, Finn Technician Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Blichers Allé 20 finn.nielsen@bce.au.dk +4520801999 L38
Nielsen, Nanna Søndberg Lindberg Breum Biomedical Laboratory Scientist Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D nanna@bce.au.dk +4593521867 3130, 112
Nielsen, Peter Storgaard Agricultural Technician Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D psn@bce.au.dk +4541122946 3133, 221
Nielsen, Steen Project Manager Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering sni@bce.au.dk +4525100422 3135, 110
Nirchal, Naveen Kumar Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Medical Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D naveenkn@bce.au.dk
Nissen, Laura Sofie Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D laura.nissen@bce.au.dk 3130
Nizami, Muhammad Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Hangøvej 2 muhammad.nizami@bce.au.dk
Nygaard, Jens Vinge Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Medical Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D jvn@bce.au.dk +4541893170 3133, 321
Olesen, Louise Ørum Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Medical Biotechnology - Hangøvej 2 loeo@bce.au.dk +4530264637 5250, 205
Orazbayeva, Dina Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Ole Worms Allé 3 dinao@bce.au.dk
Ottosen, Lars Ditlev Mørck Head of Department Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering ldmo@bce.au.dk +4551371671
Ouyang, Yi PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D ouyang@bce.au.dk 1590, 249
Overby, Sanne Sandberg Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Hangøvej 2 sov@bce.au.dk +4541893295 5250, 205
Paikjær Gravgaard, Ditte PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 dg@bce.au.dk
Palacios Jaramillo, Paola Andrea Member of Administrative Staff Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D paola@bce.au.dk 3133, 213
Partoon, Behzad Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Hangøvej 2 behzad.partoon@bce.au.dk +4522521659 5250, 225
Paz, Laura-Carlota Member of Administrative Staff Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D lauracarlotapaz@bce.au.dk
Pedersen, Dorthe Grøntkjær Laboratory Technician Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Blichers Allé 20 dorthepedersen@bce.au.dk
Pedersen, Johanna Tenure Track Researcher Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Blichers Allé 20 jp@bce.au.dk +45 93 50 88 69 8210, 44
Pedersen, Maja Staffeldt Laboratory Technician Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Lab.tech. BCE - Hangøvej 2 majasp@bce.au.dk +4593508721 5250, 238
Pedersen, Mette Marie Secretariat Staff Member Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Secretariat, BCE - Navitas mmp@bce.au.dk +4593508373 3135, 106
Petersen, Jan Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Hangøvej 2 jpe@bce.au.dk +4551949355 5250, 246
Petrov, Mikhail Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 mikhail.petrov@bce.au.dk
Phair, John William Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Burrehøjvej 43 jwph@bce.au.dk
Philippon, Timothé Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D timothe.philippon@bce.au.dk
Philips, Jo Associate Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D jo.philips@bce.au.dk 3133, 223
Plesner, Thea Jess PhD Student Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D tjp@bce.au.dk
Poulsen, Mette Vehl Research Assistant Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Industrial Biotechnology - Hangøvej 2 mepo@bce.au.dk
Prakash, Pon Ganish Postdoc Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Medical Biotechnology - Gustav Wieds Vej 10D pon@bce.au.dk
Quinson, Jonathan Assistant Professor Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Process and Materials Engineering - Åbogade 40 jquinson@bce.au.dk +4550288974 5794, 133