Aarhus University Seal


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  1. Extending the Danish Normative Values for Animal Manure to include carbon to model the emission of green house gasses from farm animals, stables and storage

    Christian Friis Børsting , Peter Lund , Martin Tang Sørensen , Jan Værum Nørgaard , Tofuko Awori Woyengo , Martin Riis Weisbjerg , Saman Lashkari , Anne Louise Frydendahl Hellwing , Anders Peter S. Adamsen , Frederik Rask Dalby , Michael Jørgen Hansen , Peter Kai , Sasha D. Hafner , Henrik Bjarne Møller , Ole-Kenneth Nielsen , Mette Hjorth Mikkelsen , Rikke Albrektsen & Steen Gyldenkærne

    The aim is to make a model, which on commercial dairy and pig farms can estimate the turnover of carbon and the emissions of green house gasses. It is the goal to estimate these emissions from amount and composition of feed, the production of each category of animals, and the emissions from stable and storage.
    The project is funded by the Danish Agricultural Agency.Description
