Lund, A., Dorn, B., Jakob, T., Christensen, L. H., Jabs, F.
& Spillner, E. (Accepted/In press).
A fully human monoclonal antibody isolated from beekeepers targets the immunodominant IgE epitope of Api m 10.
Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology.
Aagaard, J. B., Fischer, M., Lober, J., Bolbro Neumann, F., Allahverdi, D.
, Sivelle, C., Miehe, M. & Spillner, E. (2023).
Extract-shaped immune repertoires as source for nanobody-based human IgE in grass pollen allergy.
Molecular Biotechnology,
65, 1518-1527.
Plum, M., Tjerrild, L., Raiber, T.
, Bantleon, F., Bantleon, S., Miehe, M., Jabs, F., Seismann, H., Möbs, C., Pfützner, W., Jakob, T.
, Andersen, G. R. & Spillner, E. (2023).
Structural and functional analyses of antibodies specific for modified core N-glycans suggest a role in TH2 responses.
78(1), 121-130.
Pourjafar, M., Saidijam, M.
, Miehe, M., Najafi, R., Soleimani, M.
& Spillner, E. (2023).
Surfaceome Profiling Suggests Potential of Anti-MUC1×EGFR Bispecific Antibody for Breast Cancer Targeted Therapy.
Journal of Immunotherapy,
46(7), 245-261.
Pourjafar, M.
, Miehe, M., Najafi, R., Soleimani, M.
& Spillner, E. (2022).
Construction, expression and functional characterization of an engineered antibody against tumor antigen MUC-1C.
Protein Expression and Purification,
199, Article 106148.
Albrecht, M., Schaub, B., Gilles, S., Köhl, J., Altrichter, S., Voehringer, D.
, Spillner, E., Ehlers, M., Jönsson, F., Loser, K., Mayer, J. U., Rösner, L. M., Möbs, C., Heine, G. & Pfützner, W. (2022).
Current research and unmet needs in allergy and immunology in Germany: report presented by the DGfI and DGAKI task force Allergy & Immunology.
European Journal of Immunology,
52(6), 851-855.
Aagaard, J. B., Sivelle, C., Fischer, M.
, Byskov, K., Laursen, N. S., Pfützner, W., Jakob, T., Möbs, C.
, Miehe, M. & Spillner, E. (2022).
Nanobody-based human antibody formats act as IgE surrogate in hymenoptera venom allergy.
Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,
77(9), 2859-2862.
Platts-Mills, T., Hilger, C., Jappe, U., van Hage, M., Gadermaier, G.
, Spillner, E., Lidholm, J., Aalberse, R. C., van Ree, R., Goodman, R. & Pomes, A. (2021).
Carbohydrate Epitopes Currently Recognized as Targets for IgE Antibodies.
Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Advance online publication.
Strecker, C., Bärenfänger, M.
, Miehe, M., Spillner, E. & Meyer, B. (2020).
In Silico Evaluation of the Binding Site of Fucosyltransferase 8 and First Attempts to Synthesize an Inhibitor with Drug-Like Properties.
21(13), 1923-1931.
Jensen, R. K., Jabs, F., Miehe, M., Mølgaard, B., Pfützner, W., Möbs, C.
, Spillner, E. & Andersen, G. R. (2020).
Structure of intact IgE and the mechanism of ligelizumab revealed by electron microscopy.
Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,
75(8), 1952-1961.
Rauber, M., Roßbach, A., Jung, A., Müller, S., Möbs, C., Pfützner, W.
, Miehe, M., Spillner, E. & Jakob, T. (2020).
The honey bee venom allergen Api m 10 displays one major IgE epitope, Api m 10160-174.
Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,
75(7), 1756-1759.
Jakob, T., Rauber, M. M., Perez-Riverol, A.
, Spillner, E. & Blank, S. (2020).
The Honeybee Venom Major Allergen Api m 10 (Icarapin) and Its Role in Diagnostics and Treatment of Hymenoptera Venom Allergy.
Current Allergy and Asthma Reports,
20(9), Article 48.
Vos, B. J. P. R., Dubois, A. E. J., Rauber, M. M., Pfützner, W.
, Miehe, M., Bohle, B., Möbs, C. & Oude Elberink, J. N. G. (2019).
Initiating yellow jacket venom immunotherapy with a 100-μg dose: A challenge? The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice,
7(4), 1332-1334.e4.
Schmid, J. M., Skjold, T., Kolstad, H. A., Miehe, M., Spillner, E. & Hoffmann, H. J. (2019).
Work-related allergic asthma: Clinical work-up of a 45-year old male working in animal feed producing industry.
Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,
74, 316-316.
Fazekas-Singer, J., Singer, J., Ilieva, K. M., Matz, M., Herrmann, I.
, Spillner, E., Karagiannis, S. N. & Jensen-Jarolim, E. (2018).
AllergoOncology: Generating a canine anti-cancer IgE against the epidermal growth factor receptor.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,
142(3), 973-976.e11.
Russkamp, D., Van Vaerenbergh, M., Etzold, S., Eberlein, B., Darsow, U., Schiener, M., De Smet, L., Absmaier, M., Biedermann, T.
, Spillner, E., Ollert, M., Jakob, T., Schmidt-Weber, C. B., de Graaf, D. C. & Blank, S. (2018).
Characterization of the honeybee venom proteins C1q-like protein and PVF1 and their allergenic potential.
150, 198-206.
Perez Riverol, A., Romani Fernandes, L. G., Musacchio Lasa, A., Aparecido dos Santos-Pinto, J. R., Moitinho Abram, D., Izuka Moraes, G. H.
, Jabs, F., Miehe, M., Seismann, H., Sergio Palma, M., de Lima Zollner, R.
, Spillner, E. & Brochetto-Braga, M. R. (2018).
Phospholipase A1-based cross-reactivity among venoms of clinically relevant Hymenoptera from Neotropical and temperate regions.
Molecular Immunology,
93, 87-93.
Jabs, F., Plum, M., Laursen, N. S., Jensen, R. K., Mølgaard, B., Miehe, M., Mandolesi, M., Rauber, M. M., Pfützner, W., Jakob, T., Möbs, C.
, Andersen, G. R. & Spillner, E. (2018).
Trapping IgE in a closed conformation by mimicking CD23 binding prevents and disrupts FcεRI interaction.
Nature Communications,
9(1), Article 7.
Riverol, A. P., Miehe, M., Jabs, F., Seismann, H., Romani Fernandes, L. G., de Lima Zollner, R., Jakob, T., Brochetto-Braga, M. R.
& Spillner, E. (2018).
Venoms of Neotropical wasps lack cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants enabling reliable protein-based specific IgE determination.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,
141(5), 1917-1919.e1.
Jensen-Jarolim, E., Bax, HJ., Bianchini, R., Capron, M., Corrigan, C., Castells, M., Dombrovicz, D., Daniels-Wells, HR., Fazekas, J., Fiebiger, E., Gatault, S., Gould, H., Janda, J., Josephs, DH., Karagiannis, P., Levi-Schaffer, F., Meshcheryakova, A., Mechtcheriakova, D., Mekori, Y. ... Karagiannis, S. N. (2017).
AllergoOncology - the Impact of Allergy in Oncology. EAACI Position Paper. Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,
72(6), 866-887.
Jabs, F., Plum, M.
, Laursen, N. S., Jensen, R., Miehe, M., Moebs, C., Pfuetzner, W., Jakob, T.
, Andersen, G. R. & Spillner, E. (2017).
An anti-IgE single domain antibody disrupts the interaction of IgE with fceri by acting as functional high affinity mimic of cd23.
Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,
72(Suppl. 103 SI), 13-13. Article 0138.
Schiener, M., Eberlein, B., Moreno Aguilar, C., Pietsch, G., Serrano, P., McIntyre, M., Schwarze, L., Russkamp, D., Biedermann, T.
, Spillner, E., Darsow, U., Ollert, M., Schmidt-Weber, C. & Blank, S. (2017).
Application of recombinant antigen 5 allergens from seven allergy-relevant Hymenoptera species in diagnostics.
Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,
72(1), 98-108.
Offermann, N.
, Plum, M., Miehe, M., Hubner, U., Fooke, M. & Spillner, E. (2017).
Artificial human sera (ARTHUS) as a tool for validation and standardization of bee and wasp specific in-vitro diagnostic systems.
Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,
72(S103 - Special Issue), 355-356. Article 1466.
Miehe, M., Mandolesi, M., Jabs, F., Plum, M., Bantleon, F., Seismann, H., Moebs, C., Pfuetzner, W., Jakob, T. & Spillner, E. (2017).
Facilitated allergen binding of venom allergens via CD23 mediated by CCD-specific IgE.
Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,
72(S103 - Special Issue), 815-815.
Pedersen, C. T., Loke, I., Lorentzen, A.
, Wolf, S., Kamble, M., Kristensen, S. K., Munch, D., Radutoiu, S., Spillner, E., Roepstorff, P., Thaysen-Andersen, M.
, Stougaard, J. & Dam, S. (2017).
N-glycan maturation mutants in Lotus japonicus for basic and applied glycoprotein research.
Plant Journal,
91(3), 394-407.
Bantleon, F., Wolf, S., Seismann, H.
, Dam, S. S., Lorentzen, A.
, Miehe, M., Jabs, F., Jakob, T.
, Plum, M. & Spillner, E. (2016).
Human IgE is efficiently produced in glycosylated and biologically active form in lepidopteran cells.
Molecular Immunology,
72, 49-56.
Offermann, N.
, Plum, M., Hübner, U., Rathloff, K., Braren, I., Fooke, M.
& Spillner, E. (2016).
Human serum substitution by artificial sera of scalable allergen reactivity based on polyclonal antibodies and chimeras of human FcγRI and IgE domains.
Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,
71(12), 1794-1799.
Frick, M., Fischer, J., Helbing, A., Ruëff, F., Wieczorek, D., Ollert, M., Pfützner, W., Müller, S., Huss-Marp, J., Dorn, B., Biedermann, T., Lidholm, J., Rücker, G.
, Bantleon, F., Miehe, M., Spillner, E. & Jakob, T. (2016).
Predominant Api m 10 sensitization as risk factor for treatment failure in honey bee venom immunotherapy.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,
138(6), 1663-1671e9.
Möbs, C., Müller, J., Rudzio, A., Pickert, J., Blank, S., Jakob, T.
, Spillner, E. & Pfützner, W. (2015).
Decline of Ves v 5-specific blocking capacity in wasp venom-allergic patients after stopping allergen immunotherapy.
Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,
Van Vaerenbergh, M., de Smet, L., Rafei-Shamsabadi, D., Blank, S.
, Spillner, E., Ebo, D., Devreese, B., Jakob, T. & C. de Graaf, D. (2015).
IgE recognition of chimeric isoforms of the honeybee (Apis mellifera) venom allergen Api m 10 evaluated by protein array technology.
Molecular Immunology,
63(2), 449-455.
Frick, M., Müller, S.
, Bantleon, F., Hus-Marp, J., Lidholm, J.
, Spillner, E. & Jakob, T. (2015).
rApi m 3 and rApi m 10 improve detection of honey bee sensitization in Hymenoptera venom-allergic patients with double sensitization to honey bee and yellow jacket venom.
Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,
70(12), 1665-1668.
Jensen, R. K., Plum, M., Tjerrild, L., Jakob, T.
, Spillner, E. & Andersen, G. R. (2015).
Structure of the omalizumab Fab.
Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology Communications,
71(Pt 4), 419-426.
Jakob, T., Müller, S., Rafei-Shamsabadi, D.
, Bantleon, F. & Spillner, E. (2014).
Aktueller Stand und neue Entwicklungen in der Diagnostik mit rekombinanten Insektengiftallergenen.
37(9), 352-361.
Balzer, L., Pennino, D., Blank, S., Seismann, H., Darsow, U., Schnedler, M., McIntyre, M., Ollert, M., Durham, S. R.
, Spillner, E., Ring, J. & Cifuentes, L. (2014).
Basophil activation test using recombinant allergens: highly specific diagnostic method complementing routine tests in wasp venom allergy.
P L o S One,
9(10), e108619.
Köhler, J., Blank, S., Müller, S., Bantleon, F., Frick, M., Huss-Marp, J., Lidholm, J.
, Spillner, E. & Jakob, T. (2014).
Component resolution reveals additional major allergens in patients with honeybee venom allergy.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,
133(5), 1383-1389.e6.
Singer, J., Fazekas, J., Wang, W., Weichselbaumer, M., Matz, M., Mader, A., Steinfellner, W., Meitz, S., Mechticheriakova, D., Sobanov, J., Willmann, M., Stockner, T.
, Spillner, E., Kunert, R. & Jensen-Jarolim, E. (2014).
Generation of a canine anti-EGFR (ErbB-1) antibody for passive immunotherapy in dog cancer patients.
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics,
13(7), 1777-1790.