Bell, J. S., Hayes, S., Whitford, C., Sanchez-Weatherby, J., Shebanova, O., Terrill, N. J.
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Sanchez-Weatherby, J., Sandy, J., Mikolajek, H., Lobley, C. M. C., Mazzorana, M., Kelly, J., Preece, G., Littlewood, R.
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Sørensen, T. L. M., Hjorth-Jensen, S. J., Oksanen, E.
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Dyla, M., Terry, D.
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Hall, J. P., Gurung, S. P., Henle, J., Poidl, P., Andersson, J., Lincoln, P., Winter, G.
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Hayes, S., White, T., Boote, C., Kamma-Lorger, C. S., Bell, J.
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Lobley, C. M. C., Sandy, J., Sanchez-Weatherby, J., Mazzorana, M., Krojer, T., Nowak, R. P.
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Boote, C., Palko, J. R.
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