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Projects by Industrial Biotechnology

Are you looking for projects that the Section of Industrial Biotechnology is currently working on? On this page you can find all projects by the Section of Industrial Biotechnology - Department of Biological & Chemical Engineering, Aarhus University.

Below you can find a list of all current and previous projects of research, their status, mission, and funding:

Agro-Biotechnology Science

  1. "C1 to Cn: Rewrite energy path by enabling autotrophic growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on CO2 (Acronym: C1-to-Cn biopath)" (DFF-FTP Project 2) (2023-2027)
  2. "Exploiting the Biocatalytic Potential of a NovelPolymethoxyflavone Demethylase System for Organic Synthesis and Lignin Valorization” (DFF-FTP Project 1) (2023-2026)
  3. Kort og beskrivende for projektet på dansk og uden forkortelser ” funded by Mælkeafgiftsfonden (MFF) (also called The Danish Dairy Research Foundation, DDRF) (2023-2024)
  4. Hydroprocessing Sustainable Fuels for Aviation and Heavy Transport (Acronym: HyProFuel” Funded by Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD) (2022-2025).
  5. Aqua Cleaner: Synergy of Enzyme and Photocatalyst for Defluorination of PFAS (Acronym: SEP-Def)” novo nordisk fonden (NNF), (2021-2024)
  6. “SMiL – Special Milk Lipids for Health”, funded by Arla Food for Health, (2021-2024).
  7. “Combating plastic pollution: de novo discovery of enzyme to break C-C backbone (Acronym: Combastic)”, DFF-FTP Project 1 (2020-2023).
  8. “New ways to design foods: Programmable Synthesis of Lipids and Continuous Liquid Interface (3D) Printing” Industrial ph.d. project Jointed funding by Larodan AU iFOOD Center-GSTS (2020-2023)

Biocatalysis and Bioprocessing

  • 2020   Heterogeneous biocatalytic reaction cascades training network (INTERfaces), Grant No: 860414

               Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) – Innovative Training Networks  – European Industrial Doctorates       

  • 2020   Photobiocatalytic oxyfunctionalization in continuous flow (PHOTOX-f), Grant No: 9063-00031B

               Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond (DFF), Independent Research Fund Denmark (IRFD)

  • 2020    Light-dependent multi-enzymatic synthesis of biofuels from sustainable resources (Light-Biofuels), Grant No: NNF19OC0057522

               Novo Nordisk Foundation, Biotechnology-based synthesis & production research – Project Grants 2019

  • 2018   Light-driven sustainable biocatalysis training network (PhotoBioCat), Grant No: 764920

               Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) – Innovative Training Networks  – European Joint Doctorates

  • 2018   Rational analysis of structural and functional changes of oxidoreductases in non-conventional reaction media, Grant No: KA 4399/3-1

               Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), German Research Foundation

  • 2016  Characterization and kinetic modelling of a novel convergent enzymatic cascade for epsilon-caprolactone synthesis employing a ‘double-smart cosubstrate’ with in situ polymerization, Grant No: KA 4399/1-1

              Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), German Research Foundation


Engineered Microbial Systems


2020-2023. Secret conversations about lignocellulose degradation (AUFF Nova, Denmark) (2.5M DKK)

2018. A cheap and quick detection method to determine both oil leakage and its history in subsea facilities (Danish Hydrocarbon Research Technology Center, Mærsk Oil and Gas, Denmark) (298k DKK)

2018. Hydrocarbons in produced water: a misplaced resource for the bioproduction of the industrial commodity ectoine (Danish Hydrocarbon Research Technology Center, Mærsk Oil and Gas, Denmark) (250k DKK)

2018. Souring mitigation by a low-cost bioelectrochemical device applied at ambient and deep subseafloor conditions (Danish Hydrocarbon Research Technology Center, Mærsk Oil and Gas, Denmark) (310k DKK)

2017. Under Pressure Microbially-Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR): Identifying common gene sets in hydrostatic-pressure-adapted oil bioconversion pathways (Danish Hydrocarbon Research Technology Center, Mærsk Oil and Gas, Denmark) (48k DKK)

Enzyme Engineering

Sort by : Start date | End date | Title

  1. Repurposing a Novel Photoenzyme towards Non-natural Light-driven Reactions for Green Synthesis

    Bekir Engin Eser

    FAP has high potential for applications from biofuels to organic synthesis, shown by various studies including our own. However, studies to date have used FAP mainly within its natural limits. Here, we want to explore radical-based reactions beyond FAP’s natural reaction, a research area awarded Nobel Prize in 2018 and since then growing tremendously.Description


  2. A Complete Transformation PAth for C-C backboned plastic wastes to high-value Chemicals and materials

    Zheng Guo , Bekir Engin Eser , Patrick Biller & Tina Kousted

    Beyond the state-of-the art technologies, ACTPAC will design and deploy new catalysts and cross-metathesis modes for highly active and selective metathesis of PE into linear alkanes with a narrow distribution range (C6-C18, >90%). Two separate systems: multi- enzyme machinery assembled in the recombinant cells, and metabolic engineered yeast system, dedicated to the transformation of alkanes into monomers will be developed. Monomers of diversified chain-lengths will be used for the synthesis of polyesters presenting different properties and polymer performances, assignable for various applications. A zero-waste solution to the plastic waste management is thus created to keep them out of the environment, and reclaim their values. The new properties and specific applications of the new polyester plastics produced from upcycling of PE waste will bring up the SMEs with new business opportunities by scalable, flexible and robust multi-product manufacturing processes for on-demand and small-volume output production.Description


  3. C1-to-Cn biopath: C1 to Cn: Rewrite energy path by enabling autotrophic growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on CO2

    Zheng Guo & Bekir Engin Eser

    Greenhouse gas (CO2 and methane, contribute total 92% GHG) is irreversibly changing global ecological cycle. Channeling CO2/methane into central carbon metabolism of industrial microbes to yield valuable drop-in biofuels offers a clean path for GHG sequestration and green economic transition. Starting from converting S. cerevisiae to a methylotrophic lifestyle by incorporating/engineering methanol utilization pathways; this project will design and construct CO2- fixation cycle in heterotrophic S. cerevisiae, and synchronously integrate fatty acid photodecarboxylase (FAP) gene. A new autotroph-like yeast to enable direct conversion of CO2 into alka(e)nes could thus be created. Natural or artificial CO2-fixation cycles will be incorporated into S. cerevisiae to enable a creditable autotrophic growth on CO2, and further engineered by adaptive lab evolution. Genomic integration of FAP gene in the autotrophic yeast will bridge the carbon flux pathways and be rewired for alka(e)ne synthesis.Description


  4. Exploiting the Biocatalytic Potential of a Novel Polymethoxyflavone Demethylase System for Organic Synthesis and Lignin Valorization

    Bekir Engin Eser , Zheng Guo , Niels Krabbe Johnsen & Jaehong Han

    Natural products are a rich source of compounds with a plethora of bioactivities including antimicrobial, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic. Flavonoids constitute a family of natural products with a broad variety in structure and activity, often highly substituted by functionalities of hydroxy, methoxy, or glycosylation which dictates their bioactivity. Recently, our collaborator from Korea (Prof. Jeahong Han’s Lab) discovered a gut microbe, namely Blautia producta MRG-PMF1, capable of catalyzing demethylation of PMFs and structurally related non-natural products. The observed
    demethylation has been proposed to be catalyzed by the vitamin B12-dependent methyltransferase/ corrinoid protein complex. We aim to characterize the enzymatic system in vitro and utilize the natural activity towards natural product scaffolds to generate catalysts with very high selectivity.Description


  5. Light-dependent multi-enzymatic synthesis of biofuels from sustainable resources

    Paul Santner , Bekir Engin Eser , Selin Kara , Santiago Nahuel Chanquia & Frank Hollmann

    Utilizing an unusual, light-dependent enzyme from a microalga to convert oils and fats from sustainable sources into ready-to-use biofuels.Description


Functional Microbe Technology


Project lead: Clarissa Schwab

Collaborators: Prof. Hanne Frøkiær KU, Dr. Remo Frei and PD Caroline Roduit, Inselspital Bern, CH

When: January 2024 - December 2026

Granted by: Leo Foundation


Project lead: Clarissa Schwab

When: September 2023 - August 2024

Granted by: AU Cell Food Flagship


Project lead: Clarissa Schwab

When: October 2023 - September 2026

Granted by: Denmark Independent Research Fund (DFF) Project 1, Natural Science Council


Project lead: Clarissa Schwab

When: January 2023 - December 2023

Granted by: AP Møller Fonden

Bio2Lak and BioDairy-Health biomarkers of dairy intake

Project lead: Clarissa Schwab, Co-PI Prof. Hanne Frøkiær, KU

When: January 2023-July 2024

Granted by: Danish Dairy Foundation and Brødrene Hartmann Fonden

Collaboration partner of: Non-covalent binding to target prime sites for cardiometabolic protection

Project lead: Assist. Prof. Mario Martinez Martinez, Dept. Food Science, AU


When: March 2022 - February 2026

Granted by: DFF Sapere Aude

Short-term fellowship

Research period of Dr. Qing Li at ETH Zürich, Microbiome Research

When: November 2021 - January 2022

Granted by: EMBO

Ascending Investigator in Food Biotechnology

Project lead: Clarissa Schwab

When: Sept. 2021 - August 2026

Granted by: Novo Nordisk Foundation

DIGI Start-up pakke

Project lead: Clarissa Schwab

When: December 2020 

Granted by: Aarhus University

Starting Grant

Project lead: Clarissa Schwab

When: April 2020 - December 2024

Granted by: Aarhus Universitet Forskningsfond (AUFF)

Green Biorefining Technologies

Microbial Biosynthesis

2018InnovationFund Denmark "Mining the unexplored microbiome to produce high-value biopharmaceuticals" together with Novo Nordisk A/S (1.1 MM DKK)
2018Villum Experiment "Image recognition in the hunt for new natural products" (1.9 MM DKK)
2018ST Synergy grant together with Prof. Andreas Schramm from Department of Microbiology (0.5 MM DKK)
2017Carlsberg Foundation "Semi-preparative HPLC system for isolating pharmaceutically relevant natural products" (0.5 MM DKK)

Microbial Conversion Technologies

APPLAUSE. In the large-scale industrial project, APPLAUSE (Apple • Aarhus University • Sustainable Energy), we work together with Apple Inc. to develop new knowledge and technology for the production of renewable energy from biomasses including. The activities include: (1) biological pretreatment of recalcitrant biomasses; (2) new technologies for converting surplus electricity to bio-methane; (3) purification technologies for treating biogas before injection to the gas grid; (4) new models for modelling production and consumption of green electricity.

ElectroGas. In ElectroGas we develop new technology for biomethanation together Danish industrial partners as well as Danish and foreign universities. Link to project page. 

ATS from biogas. Together with Haldor Topsøe and Unisense, developer of industrial catalysts and sensors, respectively, we construct and demonstrate new catalytic technology for converting hydrogen sulfide in biogas to the valuable fertilizer, ammonium thiosulfate.


Microbial Electrosynthesis

  1. TRAMPOLINe- (Doctoral Network funded by European Union)

    Philips, J. (PI)


    Project: Research

  2. Accelerating technology development of microbial electrosynthesis to convert CO2 to natural gas (methane) at scale

    Philips, J. (PI), Spormann, A. M. (PI) & Logan, B. (PI)


    Project: Research

  3. Villum Young Investigator Grant

    Philips, J. (PI)


    Project: Research

  4. MES-MODEL: A mathematical model to improve microbial electrosynthesis

    Philips, J. (PI) & Catalano, J. (Collaborator)


    Project: Research

  5. Let them stick: Increasing Sporomusa ovata cell numbers on cathodes

    Philips, J. (PI) & Koren, K. (Collaborator)


    Project: Research

Microbial Synthetic Biology

  1. CO2MOS: CO2 Metabolism Optimisation Strategy to prevent CO2 loss during methanol assimilation

    Irla, M. K. (PI), Bruheim, P. (Collaborator) & Sarıyar Akbulut, B. (PI)


    Project: Research

  2. ScreenVit: Platform for screening of vitamin B12-producing Bacillus subtilis strains

    Irla, M. K. (PI) & Purup, S. (Collaborator)


    Project: Research

  3. MCM4SB: Replacing food competing feedstocks with Methanol, CO2 and Methylamine for a Sustainable Bioeconomy

    Brautaset, T. (Project coordinator), Wendisch, V. F. (Collaborator), Kosec , G. (Collaborator), Sariyar Akbulut , B. (Collaborator) & Irla, M. K. (Collaborator)


    Project: Research