Aarhus Universitets segl

Zongsu Wei



Primær tilknytning

Zongsu Wei


  • Water sustainability
  • PFAS degradation
  • Radical chemistry
  • Sonochemistry
  • Water chemistry




Dr. Zongsu Wei is a tenured Associate Professor at the Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering at Aarhus University, Denmark. In 2015, he received his Ph.D. degree in Environmental Engineering from Ohio State University, U.S. Immediately following, he worked as a postdoc at Technion, UCLA, and Auburn University. Dr. Wei joined AU as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in 2019. He is the group leader for the Water Engineering Innovation Lab and secured 31 million Danish kroner (4.5 million USD) funding from Danish and EU agencies. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers (h-index of 53, Google Scholar) and been recognized as Stanford’s TOP 2% Scientists in Environmental Science since 2021. In 2025, he won the ES&T and ES&T Letters James J. Morgan Early Career Award and received the prestigious Sapere Aude Research Leader Award from the Independent Research Foundation Denmark in 2021. Professor Wei is currently serving as the Editor for Water Research (Elsevier & IWA Publishing), Chemical Engineering Journal (Elsevier Publishing), Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering (Elsevier Publishing), and Water Science and Technology (International Water Association Publishing).

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