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For the first time, we can now tell the difference between a wide range of plastic types and thereby separate plastics according to their chemical…
A new research project aims to develop a photocatalytic process that can transform the hard-to-degrade and harmful environmental toxins PFAS into…
In collaboration with Haldor Topsøe, Aarhus University has launched a new demonstration plant to produce sustainable methanol from biogas. The plant…
The agricultural sector is facing a paradigm shift. Danish high-tech agriculture can show the world how a pervasive transformation of the industry can…
Temperatures, noise levels and light and air quality have a significant impact on learning for children and young people. A new indoor climate…
In collaboration with engineers at Aarhus University, the small Aarhus distillery Njord has created innovative beverages using the company's residual…
For nine years, Behzad Partoon has researched CO2 capture technology at University Technologi Petronas in Malaysia. Now he is looking into what we can…
Engineering researchers from Aarhus University have developed electronic support stockings and tested them on bed-ridden Covid patients at Copenhagen…
Soon, packaging for take-away foods might be completely based on local, sustainable materials instead of fossil-based products. In a new research…
With a grant of DKK 10 million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, researchers from Aarhus University are aiming to find out how best to use naturally…
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