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The so-called forever chemicals, PFAS, are found in many places in nature, but remediation is problematic because their concentrations are extremely…
AU Engineering is launching three new, cross-disciplinary and data-driven research projects funded by the Villum Foundation. Among other things, the…
The biggest day of the year has dawned for hundreds of new engineering students starting the first day on their new degree programmes at Aarhus…
The number of applicants to engineering at Aarhus University increases once again. After a year of stagnation due to coronavirus, young people flock…
You wouldn’t think it, but the sewer can be a huge source of valuable resources in a future circular bioeconomic society. Massive flows of nutrients…
How fast can we get a total green energy system? That was the title of the panel discussion Friday evening in the 'Tech Tent' at Denmark's Political…
Once again, AU Engineering participates in the annual People's Meeting (Folkemødet) in the "tech tent" together with the other technical universities…
In the world-wide project Tiny Earth, pupils at upper secondary schools, as well as university students and researchers, are working together to find…
Four researchers from AU Engineering have received major grants from the Independent Research Fund Denmark for new technological research. In total,…
Radical innovation. Under this headline, 275 engineering students explained why their ideas have the potential to disrupt an entire industry. They…
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