Aarhus University Seal

Work-life balance

Associate Professor Thomas William Seviour is heading a research team, that works with microbial biointerfaces in water engineering. They are aiming at establishing the foundation of a new circular economy in water management.

Thomas is from Australia, but he has been travelling a lot around the world with his research. In the winter of 2021, he moved to Aarhus from Singapore with his wife and two children and directly into an apartment that the university made available to him.

Today, the family has rented a house on the outskirts of the city, close to the water and the forest.

"I have come to like Aarhus very much. It is a lovely city with many young people and many families and really surprisingly beautiful nature. Here you find a high quality of life, and Denmark is a wonderful place to live and work. My daughters have already learned the language and my wife has got a good job. The only negative thing I have to say is the dark days in winter. On the other hand, spring, summer and autumn are fantastic," he says.