Congratulations to the newly graduated engineers
Aarhus University would like to congratulate the 483 new MSc and BSc engineering graduates.

On 25, 26 and 31 January, many new graduates saw a chapter of their lives come to a close.
There was a solemn atmosphere at the Departments of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biological and Chemical Engineering, and Civil and Architectural Engineering, when parents, friends, researchers, teachers and department heads gathered to celebrate the young engineers and to mark their transition into a new chapter of their lives.
Dean: Nurture your curiosity
Eskild Holm Nielsen, dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences, congratulated the many graduates, praised them for their hard work and encouraged them to bring some of the spirit of the university with them into the labour market.
“As you move forward into the next chapter of your life, you’ll encounter both challenges and opportunities. You have acquired a solid foundation of theoretical knowledge here at the university and you've learnt how to apply that knowledge in practice to solve problems. You've learnt to think critically. You've learnt to wonder and to ask questions: Why do we do this? Can't we do it a bit better? My best advice for you today is this: Don’t lose your curiosity once everyday life on the labour market hits. Keep challenging conventional thinking. Keep that spark alive and fight for a better future. For all of us."
We spoke to some of the new engineers who are about to head out into the world to fight for a better future at the graduation ceremony at the Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering at Navitas. Among these were Thea Gorzeleak and Oskar Sidor, who wrote a joint thesis on the impact of climate change on the future of wind and solar production in Europe.
We also met Sif Gilby, who has already landed her dream job working with power calculations on components for the wind turbine industry.
"It's a great continuation of what I worked on in my Master's thesis, so I'm sure it will be great," she says.
(The article continues after the photos...)

(More photos from the graduation ceremonies can be found at the bottom of the page)
Plenty of jobs for graduates
New engineering graduates can look forward to many exciting job opportunities in a labour market with virtually no unemployment, and many have already signed an employment contract.
This was clearly evident among the day's smartly dressed graduates. We met Dikte Straadt, who just graduated with an MSc in Computer Engineering:
"For me, it's all been rather stress-free, and I'm heading directly from my studies to a full-time position as a software pilot at Trifork Digital Health, where I’ve been working at a student job since August. The important things for me when it comes to choosing a job is that I get to try my hand at different technologies, that I have some level of responsibility, and that there’s a good working environment," she says.
Victor Norrild is another recent graduate who is heading straight from the graduation ceremony to Copenhagen to work at an IT consultancy firm.
"I'll be developing solutions in Microsoft .Net and Azure, and I'm looking forward to trying my hand at consulting. I'm quite excited to see how directly I can apply the things I’ve learned on my Master's programme in this context. I'm interested in how technology can impact our society and I want to help develop solutions that can make an impact," he says.
Abdul Rahman Hasan just graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering in Health Technology and is now taking the plunge into being a full-time entrepreneur. He and a fellow student will launch a startup based on their joint Bachelor's project.
“We’ve received an Innofounder grant from Innovation Fund Denmark, which will allow us to pursue our dream of developing a technology that can help people suffering from PTSD. We’ve developed an algorithm to monitor the body's signals via a wearable device and to detect changes in certain biomarkers that can occur in people with PTSD," he says.