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A new two-year fellowship initiative invites Danish and top-tier international university candidates to participate. The program is situated at…
Green biorefining can turn into solid business cases with several climate benefits. Aarhus University's Centre for Circular Bioeconomy, CBIO, has held…
Aarhus University has received 1184 applications for the engineering degree programs, setting a new record.
From hydrogen and CO2 to synthetic crude oil to high-value aviation fuel. In a research collaboration with Topsoe and Sasol, Aarhus University's…
Aarhus University would like to congratulate all the newly graduated MSc and BSc engineering students.
Ammonia is one of the world's ten most important chemicals, and its production emits approx. one per cent of all anthropogenic carbon emissions.…
Should Denmark focus on nuclear power? And do we need to invest more in defence technology? It may sound unrealistic, but both could become part of…
Five research groups at AU Engineering have received funding from Independent Research Fund Denmark to develop new technologies within carbon capture,…
A Danish trio of partners is developing super-high-resolution, hyperspectral cameras that can determine the chemical composition of plastic waste and…
60 companies with very different innovation challenges, 190 students with super-quick brains, and a group exam for the Applied Innovation in…
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