Aarhus Universitets segl

Immunological Biotechnology


Immunological biotechnology is an approach focussing on the development of strategies for dissecting and manipulating molecular processes in health and disease and is a crucial approach for establishment and optimisation of tools for therapeutic intervention as well as diagnostics.

Central for our research is the molecular access to the disease and a  mechanism-driven development of biologicals at the interface of immunology, protein biochemistry, biotechnology, and chemistry. Within this concept the specific needs for patient tailored, precision medical treatment are addressed.

Specific research interests and projects primarily focus on molecular, applied immunology in research, diagnostics and therapy. You will find a more specific description under research.


Project poster of the ImBio group. For more information on research and potential projects contact us.


- Alpha Winter Meeting on Allergy Research with participants from academia and industry at BCE on the 22nd of January

- New project on designed receptor protein degradation funded by NNF (Dec 24)

- Promotion to Professor at BCE (Oct 24)

- Welcome to Laura, Anninah, Aylar and Ida as students in the group (August 24)

- New article on isolation of a human monoclonal antibody by single cell sequencing recognizing a dominant epitope in JIACI (June 24)

- Welcome to Alberto, Jakob, Julie and Rikke as students in the group (Feb 24)

- New pioneer innovator project on therapeutic antibody development funded by NNF (Dec 23)

- Article on epitope mapping and molecular targeting in Front Allergy (Nov 23)

- German version of an article on nanobody technologies published (Nov 23)

- Welcome to Josephine Aagaard as postdoc and Jonas Karlsen as lab scientist in the group (Oct 23)

- Welcome to Pernille and Benedicte as master students in the group (Sept 23)

- New review article on nanobody-based approaches in allergic diseases published (June 23)

- Novel project on therapeutic antibody development funded by DFF Technology and Production (May 23)

- New article on "grass pollen-shaped immune repertoires" in Molecular Biotechnology (Jan 23)

- New PhD position open in a project on multi-specific therapeutics granted by AUFF (Jan 23)

- New publication by Mona Pourjafar on MUC1-specific antibody formats published in Protein Expression and Purification (Oct 22)

- New article on the "structural and functional analysis of carbohydrate-specific antibodies" published in Allergy (June 22)

- Manuscript on "nanobody-based human antibody formats as IgE surrogate" published in Allergy (May 22)

- Welcome to Anne-Sofie Ballegaard as new postdoc and Isabel Heyne as bachelor student in the group (Mar 22)

- Welcome to Amanda, Emilie, Carmen and Dena in the group (Feb 22)

- Postdoc position open in development of therapeutic  biomolecules within allergy research (Dec 21)

- Nanna, Josephine, Coline and Michaela present at the EAACI conference (Jul 21)

- Position paper of the WHO/IUIS allergen nomenclature subcommittee on the nature and clinical impact of "Carbohydrate Epitopes Currently Recognized as Targets for IgE Antibodies" published in Allergy (Mar 21)

- Welcome to Mona Pourjafar as guest PhD and Mathias and Magnus as bachelor students (Jan 21)

- Congratulation to Maria and Malene for their successful master examination (Jan 21)

- Welcome to Kristina Byskov as laboratory scientist (Oct 20)

- Welcome to Maria, Malene and Mike for master projects, Frederikke for an R&D project and Michaela for an internship.

- Welcome to Josephine Baunvig Aagaard starting her PhD project in the group, and Pernille Madsen for an intern project (Aug 20)

- New publication on diagnostic and therapeutic implications of a major venom allergen  (Jun 20)

- PhD position in protein biotechnology/allergy research open! (Apr 20)

- Now published: The structure of intact IgE and the mechanism of ligelizumab revealed by EM (Feb 20)

- New manuscript on B cell epitopes of insect venom allergens published (Jan 20)

- Welcome to Coline Sivelle as new postdoc in the group (Jan 20)

- Novo Nordisc Foundation funds new project on inhibition of IgE reactivity (Dec. 19)

- Industrial PhD with ALK funded. (Dec. 19)

- New project on the inhibition of hypersensitivity funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark- Medical Sciences (May 19)